
Most podcasting apps allow HTML-formatted descriptions: italic and bold text, lists, hyperlinks, etc. Markdown enables to do that using just plain text. For example, it can render *italic* as italic.

It is important to note that not all podcast players will support all types of text formatting. Podnews has a great article on which features are supported on which major podcast players (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts).


Text can be *italic*, **bold**, or ***both***!

To create paragraphs, leave at least one empty line in-between.
Otherwise, the lines next to each other will be combined together.  
To start a new line (instead of entirely new paragraph), insert two spaces at the end of the preceding line.

Text can be italic, bold, or both!

To create paragraphs, leave at least one empty line in-between. Otherwise, the lines next to each other will be combined together.
To start a new line (instead of entirely new paragraph), insert two spaces at the end of the preceding line.


Enclosing a URL or an email address in pointy brackets (e.g. <> or <>) will convert it to a link. For URLs, do not forget to include the protocol (usually https://): <> won't work.

You can also have [custom text]( for your links!

Enclosing a URL or an email address in pointy brackets (e.g. or will convert it to a link. For URLs, do not forget to include the protocol (usually https://): <> won't work.

You can also have custom text for your links!


We can have numbered lists:

1. First
2. Second

Or unnumbered lists:

* First item
* Second item (with a nested list created by putting two spaces in front):
  * First sub-item
  * Second sub-item
* Third item

We can have numbered lists:

  1. First
  2. Second

Or unnumbered lists:

  • First item
  • Second item (with a nested list created by putting two spaces in front):
    • First sub-item
    • Second sub-item
  • Third item


# Level 1

## Level 2

### Level 3

#### Level 4

##### Level 5

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5


We can include inline code using a pair of backticks: `idx := 0`.

Multiline code is possible with a pair of triple backticks:
idx := 0

We can include inline code using a pair of backticks: idx := 0.

Multiline code is possible with a pair of triple backticks:

idx := 0