Importing a feed

We make it incredibly easy to import an existing feed to RSS Blue!

If you have an existing feed and want to change hosting services, it is important to avoid losing your subscribers and listeners. If at any point you need help, please email us—we are more than happy to help you out!

1. Copy feed data to RSS Blue

Before making the switch, we need to copy the data from the old hosting service to RSS Blue. That includes getting all the metadata, downloading audio files, and so on.

You can initiate the import process here. There, you will be asked to enter the URL of your old feed and the preferred URL of your new feed at RSS Blue.

To import a feed, we only need to ensure that you are its owner. For that, we check that the email address in your old feed matches the one you registered with at RSS Blue. Alternatively, you can add a TXT record in your old feed to show that you control it (we will tell what to put inside that record). If you are having trouble with verification, please email us.

2. Redirect from old hosting service

Once the copying process is complete, we'll email you. After that, you can redirect from your old hosting service to your new feed at RSS Blue.

Below are instructions for some popular hosting services:


Please follow the instructions on the Blubrry help page.


Please follow the instructions on the Buzzsprout help page.


Please follow the instructions on the Libsyn help page.


Please follow the instructions on the PodBean help page.

Please follow the instructions on the help page.

Spotify for Podcasters

Please follow the instructions on the Spotify help page.


Unfortunately, Wavlake does not support redirects. However, you can email us and we will help you out by changing the feed URL in the Podcast Index.


If you cannot find a way to redirect from your old hosting service, please email us and we will help you out.