Analyze listener payments and read their messages directly in RSS Blue!
Find which podcasts played your music!
Music Shows and Wallet Switching
Play music on your podcast and give value back to the artists!

Appearance on Podcasting 2.0
Adam, Dave, and Dovydas discuss open standards, music podcasts, and what role RSS Blue plays in all of it!
Podping is Live!
Episodes uploaded to RSS Blue will now appear faster in podcast players.

Podnews Weekly Interview
Listen to an interview with the founder of RSS Blue!

Use Any Lightning Provider
We now allow you to retrieve wallet details from any provider that supports keysend protocol!

Prepopulating Value Recipients
It is now easier to include hosts' value details in the episode data!

A Very Boring Update
Episode GUIDs are now properly globally unique! Yay?

Is It Closed Captions?
We have shipped a feature that improves transcript processing!

No More Spam
You can now hide email address from your RSS feed!

RSS Blue Blog
We are lauching a blog, where you will find updates on new and upcoming features!